Are all spaces suitable for working?

In the last few years, hybrid work has become the norm. We can now work wherever we want.

Over the next few weeks, Parella will be pushing the concept to its limits in the heart of the Sahara during the emblematic Rallye des Gazelles race.You can follow the 502 crew live, on this link !

The NatCar crew formed by Caroline and her teammate Nathalie will keep a "Travel diary of the extreme nomadic worker" throughout the race to answer this question.

Enjoy your viewing 😉

Our two gazelles

Two inspiring women, whom Parella is proud to accompany in a committed human adventure, where surpassing oneself, adaptability in the face of the unexpected, effort, tenacity will be key.
And because of CSR, our 2 pilots will compete in electric vehicles 😉

Discover their interview

The next dates not to be missed

  • March 9: start of the race
  • From March 9 to 18: follow their adventures on LinkedIn
  • March 18: award ceremony in Essaouira
  • April 04: we reveal you the travel diary of the extreme

Travel diary of a worker of the extreme

To be read without moderation! 📖

Tuesday, March 21

🏆 Rallye des Gazelles: NatCar refines the 1st place of the podium (100% electric category).
Nathalie Gaudillot and Caroline Veltz, our extreme teleworkers, have surpassed themselves this week. 👏 Bravo to them for having dared to undertake this journey by going to the end of their convictions, especially CSR.

Friday, March 17

What spots will our extreme workers Caroline and Nathalie advise us today?
And you, what are the most extreme telecommuting spots you've tested?


It is said that yoga increases performance.

With such a session, no doubt, they will maintain their first place ranking.


Rallye des Gazelles : here we go !
This morning, it was the top start of the race, we share with you the video that our NatCar team sent us yesterday before handing over their phone.


Live from Monaco for the start of the 100% electric crews!


Dare to undertake and follow through on your convictions! Nathalie Gaudillot and Caroline Veltz spare no effort to put all the chances on their side.


Our pilots Nathalie Gaudillot and Caroline Veltz perfected their knowledge of traditional navigation methods. A theoretical but essential training before their desert crossing next March. Our extreme nomadic workers will have everything they need to choose the best routes that will lead them to victory!


To put all the chances on their side, our crew went to train in real conditions in the Moroccan desert. ⛺ 🐪🌴

📍 On this week's agenda:

  • Meeting with local people
  • Buggy training in the dunes
  • Strong sensations

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