Working better together is possible with "La Bonne Bulle®".

Playing music or taking a call at your workstation in a shared space: acceptable or not?

Beware: the melody of hybrid workspaces is not always the melody of happiness.

What if all you had to do was co-construct and define, together, the rules of life in your workspaces?

Join Elise Henriet on "Happy Boulot - Le mag" and discover "La bonne bulle®", a game designed and developed by Parella to provide companies with a fun way to learn about flexible workspaces and establish new rules for living in them.

Gamification is a powerful lever for transformation. Co-constructing one's own rules of life in the workspace in a playful way with colleagues ensures much greater ownership.

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(See you at the 27th minute)

"The right bubble" is a workshop offered as part of the Parella Academy® training catalog.